Saturday, October 8, 2011

I'm the Best

Lucy Cousins of the Maisy notoriety has this delightful picture book "I'm the Best" where dog lets all his friends know that he is the best at things - for example he is a better swimmer than Donkey so he won and he is the best swimmer. But wait a minute - what about Duck?

His friends help Dog to realize that he has been bragging and hurting their feelings. But they forgive him and tell him he really is the best.. at having fluffy ears and that it is all ok.

Press Here

Do you know this book "Press Here"by Herve Tullet? My primary teachers and all their kids adore it. They have had so much fun with this very simple book that has them pressing and shaking to see what is going to happen next!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Taste of Thanksgiving

A couple of winners just right for Thanksgiving!

In "Turkey Trouble" by Wendi Silvano a hilarious turkey tries to hide on Thanksgiving by disguising himself as the other animals on the farm. You should see his disguises!

And another new favourite is "One is a Feast for Mouse - A Thanksgiving Tale" by Judy Cox. What a treat to read aloud. My kindergarten students and I loved it!

Happy Thanksgiving.